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How to build an online incomes

Posted by technology news Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dynamic and interactive pages have most impact, writes Julia Talevski.

Paragraph upon paragraph of text, large picture files, heavy-handed Flash animations, generic stock-photo images and static content. These are some of the common mistakes businesses make when establishing an online presence.

The web is known for fast-paced change, so it's absolutely crucial that your business website meets a customer's expectations.

"There's a misguided belief that the more words they have, it will help their search engine optimisation," says Alex Hill from Webtron, a web consultancy company. "Most small businesses want to be found on Google now because the Yellow Pages are not really used any more."

According to Hill, a home page full of text doesn't help it rank higher in a Google search and serves only to turn potential customers away.

The managing director of web design company Bullseye, Greg Muller, agrees. "If users have to read a lot to do anything, that can put them off the site," he says.

So the message is to keep your home page simple and have short, sharp text that will engage the visitor. Avoid colour on colour because it can be difficult to read and make sure it's readable text size.

Another area where websites commonly get it wrong is in the use of images. Large picture files or flashy content takes time to load. "People will move on to some other site if yours doesn't load quickly," Muller says.

"Make sure you've got something already loaded that someone can look at if you've got a big feature on your website that might take a while to upload," he says.

Pictures should also be unique and reflect your brand. Avoid using stock photos. "Being online is about being found and when you're found, you should have something different and inviting about your site," Hill says.



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