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Thousands of Dollars behind Ebay Online Auctions

Posted by technology news Sunday, January 17, 2010

How to Find Stuff that Sells Well on Ebay's Online Auctions
You will find diehard fans of Ebay even with the higher fees for auctions nowadays. Why is that? Because they have a knack for finding stuff to buy cheap and sell high on Ebay!

There are a number of tricks to finding just the right item that is sold cheap at flea markets, yard sales, and
thrift stores but will sell for hundreds of dollars on Ebay. It isn't just ONE item either but many, many items that you can find for pennies and turn right around and make $500 profit off of it. Here are a few ways to know when items will be worth a lot of money on Ebay:

Do your research:

Search on Ebay for the highest priced toy, silverware, or whatever that day or week or month. Then when you are out on Saturday morning going through yard sales, you will know instantly what is worth buying and what is worth skipping. This can be done by watching a friend's auctions too and seeing what is selling well. This is how I found out about old ride-on toys and certain Barbie dolls sell very well. I also noticed pricing on Bratz dolls and other newer fashionable dolls and when Target had a good sale, I grabbed a few to resell.

By accident:

One time by accident, I made hundreds of dollars on a figurine that I had no idea would bring in that much money from Ebay. It was a sculpture and there was something very unique about had no eyes. Unique is always good on Ebay I supposed and picked it up for a nickel at the Goodwill thrift store. No one was more shocked than me when it sold on Ebay for hundreds of dollars! After that, I knew exactly what figurines and sculptures to look for! I also learned the sculptor's name and trademark signature. From then on, I searched for these sculptures and ended up finding a few. One I found on Ebay that wasn't selling well but only because the person had misspelled the sculptor's name on the auction! Yes, that is right, I snapped up the auction and resold it, making a huge profit.



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